Facilitation–Making Life Easier

As a Principal at BSCC, I wear multiple professional hats.  Coach, Trainer, Mediator, Teacher, Strategic Advisor.   

However, one of my favorite titles is Facilitator.  Why?  Because it most accurately describes my approach.

Facilitators teach.  We train.  We listen.  We share.  We speak.  We open things up.  We direct traffic.  We create both safe and brave spaces.  We set boundaries.  We encourage courage.

Easing the Way

Ultimately, I identify as a facilitator because I make things easier.  With my clients, and with many classmates, friends, and colleagues over the years, my role has been to help people find solutions with more ease.

I love making things easier for my clients.

I’ve come across approaches over the years stressing that “things aren’t supposed to be easy, they’re supposed to be hard!” or people relying on “tough love” (almost the opposite of “easy”).  Perhaps there is a place and time for these strategies, but I’ve consistently found that encouraging people, while also revealing their challenges, helps them accomplish more and in a sustainable way.

The popular notion of a facilitator is someone leading discussion in a group.  I support this notion!  Sure, I can facilitate success for individual clients in coaching, or make conflicts easier to resolve in mediation, or frame concepts so they are easier to learn when I teach or train–all of these involve facilitation.  However, through team coaching, or working with groups in the same space, I love to be in the moment validating peoples’ comments while making it easier for those with different perspectives to find common ground and move forward productively.

The Bottom Line

The conclusion that this easing of obstacles, roadblocks, mishaps and unanticipated trouble leads to a strong bottom line is, to me, obvious.  I’ve seen it time and again, and clearly the more efficient and productive a company is, the more harmoniously it will make a profit.  Similarly, the more self-compassionate a person is, the more harmoniously that person will grow.  But if it isn’t obvious to you, or if you think we just need to do it the hard way because people will not see eye to eye, consider this: 

What challenge at work or in your life has been persistent?  Are there any relationships or projects that feel disorganized or where you keep hitting a wall?

What if someone could come in and create a glide path, helping you navigate turbulence, and land safely at your ultimate goal?  What if it was easier to reach goals, reap rewards, and be productive and in sync as a team with outside help?

That’s what our team of facilitators at BSCC can do for you.  Make things easier for yourself!


What You Bring